Thursday, May 24, 2007

Depression And Go-Kart Racing

Before I start writing about depression, I'd like to note that the two cars to the right are McLaren M8D racing cars. I'd like to have a go-kart with bodywork that would make the go-kart look like an M8D. More on karting below.
Depression: Have you seen the Cymbala T.V. commercial about depression? The announcer says that "depression hurts," which is an odd way to look at depression, but the pictures tell the story.

When I'm depressed, I don't want to do anything but eat ice cream and watch T.V. Spending entire days on the recliner and/or in bed are NOT productive. And it's better for me and the dogs if we go for walks.

I've been reading this book that says depressed people should use their willpower to force themselves to do things. I CAN do things if the motivation is adequate. However, if I can't find it, I can't use it.

Recently, I've started walking around my housing development on the streets that could be used for a go-kart race.

Turn 1: After going north on Bradner, 90-degree right onto Cohoba
Long but slightly wiggly straight going mostly east, crossing Linkmeadow, West Gate, and Notches.

Turn 2: Another 90 right to head south on Samford.

Turn 3: A few slight wiggles on Samford before another 90-degree right onto Lagerway... then west on Lagerway.

Turn 4: Another 90 right up Notches

Turn 5: A left onto Bernoulli (was he a scientist involved in aerodynamics?)

Turn 6: Bernouli makes a quick left to the south.

Turn 7: A 90-degree right onto Nesbit to head west. Crossing West Gate, past the information kiosk, and straight towards a house.

Turn 8: Another 90 right onto Bradner to head back north and back to the start/finish line.


grdpndr said...

Rest In Peace, Bill. We will all miss you. And I know some of us already do.

grdpndr said...
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Martin Michael Brennan, Jr. said...

I just saw a notice of Bill's death last night. It made me quite sad, I had spoken to Bill on 3/26/2007 and had no idea he was anywhere close to suicide. If any of his family or other friends sees this, he was a very good friend, and a great guy. I'm truly saddened that his depression got the best of him, he is missed I am quite sure.

About Bill

Divorced, but in a committed relationship with Christina... and we're trying to figure out how she can move in with me. Living in a house named Doghouse with two dogs, Clyde and Luna, who are both Australian-shepherd mixes I got through Austin Aussie Rescue. Working freelance, but looking for a full-time job. I've worked for many mags: STEREO REVIEW, LEISURE TIME ELECTRONICS, CAR AUDIO AND ELECTRONICS, A/V INTERIORS, CAR STEREO REVIEW, MOBILE ELECTRONICS, and more.