Friday, January 26, 2007

Plans for Friday

We are going to stop by Christina's and feed her 4,000 cats, put her rabbit outside, put out some resumes, check on the neighbor's dogs (who are forced to live in small kennels unprotected from the freezing weather), and other stuff.

I'm disappointed I have not heard back from NetStreams. They had an opening for a marketing communications manager, and it sounded like a great job for me. Oh, well. Maybe they will get back to me. I've placed 2 phone calls and 2 EMMs.

We can walk dogs later. Exercise is good for the body and the soul.

IMHO, the hardest work is looking for work. I'm open to most anything, even ditch digging, but they probably wouldn't hire me for that because I am 50.

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About Bill

Divorced, but in a committed relationship with Christina... and we're trying to figure out how she can move in with me. Living in a house named Doghouse with two dogs, Clyde and Luna, who are both Australian-shepherd mixes I got through Austin Aussie Rescue. Working freelance, but looking for a full-time job. I've worked for many mags: STEREO REVIEW, LEISURE TIME ELECTRONICS, CAR AUDIO AND ELECTRONICS, A/V INTERIORS, CAR STEREO REVIEW, MOBILE ELECTRONICS, and more.