I am in negotiation with Wiley publishing to write a book.
Wiley does the "for Dummies" series of books, and the working title for this one is
Car Audio for Dummies.I've done a pretty complete table of contents and other things for the formal proposal, and the acquisitions editor has requested a contract. Nothing signed yet, though.
And only $8,000 for 4 months of work. Still, this one book could establish me as a serious writer, and more books could come. Maybe I could get an agent after this book is done.
Please answer these questions....
1. Is the scientific method "theory, data gathering, analysis"?
2. If American troops left Iraq, who would control the oil in Iraq?
3. What do conservatives want to conserve?
4. If I buy an American flag and burn it, should I be arrested, convicted of a crime, and put in jail so I no longer have freedom?
5. Why are people who kill animals called "hunters" instead of "killers"?
6. Why don't people in nursing homes get more visitors?
7. I have satellite TV (Dish Network), but sometimes I can't get news on the hour. Why not?
8. Why doesn't the publisher of People magazine spin off a new mag called Good People that would only have info about people who do good deeds?
9. Why aren't small cars more popular?
10. What can we do to support our troops in Iraq?
11. Do men like to watch baseball, football, golf, car racing, and other games and sports because they like to watch changing spatial relationships?
12. Is a "terrorist" someone who attacks civilians in attempts to create terror, actions, and reactions?
13. Are these the only ways to learn: reading, listening, watching, and doing?
14. How can schools prepare young people for the real world of jobs, finance, and insurance?
15. Which animal do you find most beautiful?
16. What can we do to make the world a better planet?
17. Should people be able to put things (such as flyers) in other people's mailboxes?
18. Why don't cars have bumpers anymore?
19. Is the purpose of life to take care of other living beings?
20. Why aren't recumbent bicycles and full-face bike helmets more popular?
21. What do you have faith in?
22. Does "freedom" include the freedom to be safe from harm?
23. Why do politicians talk more about the middle class than the poor?
24. Should lawyers be ineligible for elective offices?
25. Where do our "inalienable rights" come from?